Saturday, July 19, 2008

Back to blogging

So I figure now that college is over and I have moved far away, I would start blogging again. I'm sitting in an amazing condo in Destin with a cold in the middle of the summer...!!! I'm on vacation with the Taylors and it has been a great time. I have been having so much fun. It's the MS bar convention and Judges' conference, and so they made a vacation out of it.
Things at home are going well. There's still stuff left to do, but I'm hoping by the end of next week, we'll be mostly done setting up and get some good pictures of the place up. I'm searching for a part time job in Oxford which has been incredibly challenging, given the fact that there are 20,000 students who I'm sure quite a few of them are also looking for jobs...and for the spouses of the grad school students and all the grads that stick around, it makes it difficult to land a job. I'm not giving up!!! I have some really good teaching connections, and I plan on having a pretty full studio starting this fall.
Well, time for lunch...I'll write more later.

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Graduation from Wheaton College

Graduation from Wheaton College

Us at an Ole Miss game

Us at an Ole Miss game

Our Wedding

Our Wedding

Madison's family

My family

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Liz’s Cooking Blog
