Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Liveblogging during American Idol

1. Anoop - not his best performance, I usually like his voice though.
2. Meagan Joy - yuck, yuck, yuck...not a good song choice, and she has weird vibrato...the tattoo is really distracting as well. I haven't ever liked her, but I know some people do...
3. Danny - it was ok, but I was surprised at how much they liked it. There were a few out of tune notes, but overall I liked it pretty well. I can see him possibly making it to the finals.
4. Allison: I hated her outfit, and she's a little raspy for me. She has potential, but she was sort of screaming. I can see her making it to the finals though.
5. Scott - I liked his performance. I thought he did great! Best performance for him so far.
6. Matt- Shaky, raspy, I guess it's a good song choice for him, but not my favorite of the evening so far. I thought the higher stuff sounded better than tonight.
7. Lil - she was good tonight, I liked it for the most part. She has a good voice.
8. Adam - well, he's kinda creepy, but he hit the notes perfectly as far as pitch goes, even when he was "screeching" but hmm...not a huge fan. He did really well for him.
9. Kris - it was "safe" but he did well.

My vote: hmm...I have no idea! There wasn't one that just stood out to me...I'm not as impressed.

Who did you vote for/would you have voted for?


Laura said...

I thought Adam and Kris did really well. Personally I liked Kris best, but Adam is definitely entertaining to watch. I am always most curious to see what he is going to do.

Marjorie said...

i can't take my eyes off of adam. it is definitely a love/hate relationship. like a train wreck i can't look away from...

plaaaay that funky music white boy!

thank goodness megan is gone... shes pretty but the tattoo doesn't fit her look.

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