Monday, March 9, 2009

Almost time for Spring Break!

Since I am a teacher and all my kids have the same spring break, I do get spring break! Although I am very excited about it, it is a little bit of a forced pay cut that week...but, I will enjoy the break most definitely!

My friends went to Florida, and I enjoyed a call from them the night they got there. I admit, it was incredibly hard to sit there, thinking about how much fun it would be if I could have gone. There's no way that I could have, no matter how bad I wanted to go. I tried just about everything...but, at least I did everything I could...maybe next time I will be in the position to be able to see them (and they may come visit me!!! :-)) I still really miss friends & family...being this far away from everything continues to be difficult at times, but of course I also am very happy here.

We are absolutely officially moving this summer, and this is what our cute little house looks like:

Madison & I are going to Birmingham tomorrow through Wednesday to attend an interview for a summer position for him. I moved all of my lessons, since we only have 1 car anyways, and all my friends work during the day! I might as well go, since I would not be able to find a way to work and back home and back to work, etc...(I have a sporadic schedule!) Plus, I've never seen Birmingham, and we get to see Tully (Madison's sister) tomorrow night, so that'll be fun. If Madison decides on a job outside Oxford, I will still be teaching here and just squeezing all my students into 1-2 days...I can't just leave my students or anything, and we decided not to worry about it until we know what we're doing! (having 1 car may be a little bit of a challenge!)

Madison & I both have Friday off! I'm very excited...we are going to see the Wheaton College Symphony Orchestra on tour in Birmingham! I get to see a bunch of my friends, and Debbie! Madison & I just decided tonight for sure that we are going to his grandparents' beach house in Florida! So, we will most likely stay in Birmingham or something Friday night, then go to Florida from there! It's like a 6 hour drive to the beach house from Birmingham so not bad at all! (it's in the pan handle). I absolutely hate riding in the car and get carsick very easily (I can't look at magazines, read, or even look at directions). We will meet his Grandparents there, and then they're headed out the next morning. We just plan to play it by ear, but will most likely stay there until the following weekend. It will be our first non-honeymoon vacation together! And I was really sick, throwing up by the end of our honeymoon, so I will actually be well for this one. It will be a nice time and I cannot wait to get a tan :-) I'm going to bring battleship and some movies, and just enjoy the warmth outside (not like I'm not able to enjoy hot weather right now here too, but I don't want to lay out because we live next door to a few creepers!)

I had a colonoscopy last week - since mom passed away of colon cancer and I have had my share of stomach problems here lately, I was extremely concerned. But my results were clear!!! I feel so much happier and have so much more energy. I really think that was most of the depression I was really dragging me down. I'm a bit of a hypocondriac, but this was just the most worrysome experience for the past year or more, and SUCH a huge relief to know I'm okay!!! Every time my stomach hurt, I thought the worst...Praise God it's just normal sensitive stomach or maybe because I'm lactose intolerant and I don't follow a cheese/milk free diet whatsoever. (that's what lactaid chewables are for...when I remember them!)

Well, that's enough news for now!

1 comment:

Marjorie said...

Oh Liz! I am so glad to hear that your tummy and such are healthy. That is definitely a blessing. I know it can get hard being away from friends... I hope everything goes well with Madison's interview and please enjoy Florida :) We are slated to get 3-6" of snow tomorrow, preceded by freezing rain. ewww...

Graduation from Wheaton College

Graduation from Wheaton College

Us at an Ole Miss game

Us at an Ole Miss game

Our Wedding

Our Wedding

Madison's family

My family

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