Saturday, January 30, 2010

The cat is out of the bag...

Ok, so now I can say what my decision was. I resigned from my position at the church I was working at. There were many factors, but it was certainly a difficult decision to make. I am feeling more and more okay with my decision as time passes. My last day is February 7. I really felt spread too thin and my health, among other factors, was really taken a hit. I can now focus on teaching, and although money will be really tight, I/we will be happy, so that's a very good thing. It's difficult barely making enough to pay rent, bills, and food, and not having any extra for trips, movies out, eating out, or clothes, but happiness is more important than all those things. I am currently advertising and getting the word out about my chamber group and lessons, and will be self employed again (and employed by 2 community schools). :)

So, there you go - - that's my big news of the day!


Kayla Calcote said...

Well done! I choose happiness and health over money any day of the week!

Marjorie said...

happiness is so important! Even though I have been unemployed since august and money is tight, Spencer insists that I get a job I LIKE because happiness is more important than money.

I will pray that the Lord will provide for you in beautiful and unexpected ways.

(ps. I have some recipes I now need to try... that forbidden city chicken looks awesome!)

marygrace said...

I'm glad you've made a decision that will give you and Madison less stress and more happiness:)

The fun part about being on a budget for us has been coming up with creative (and free) ways to have fun together. We've read a lot of books out loud together (books that are discussable), and play fun games like Bananagrams. I'm sure ya'll will come up with fun stuff too.
Love to you both!
Mary Grace

Graduation from Wheaton College

Graduation from Wheaton College

Us at an Ole Miss game

Us at an Ole Miss game

Our Wedding

Our Wedding

Madison's family

My family

Click below to visit my cooking blog:

Liz’s Cooking Blog
